$60.00 worth of diapers and wipes for... FREE!
This is what I did in one transaction:
2 Jumbo Pack Pampers 8.49
1 pgk. Easy Ups 8.49
3 pkg wipes 5.99
1 pkg Pampers Swimmies 9.99
Coupons used:
3 Target coupons for $5 off when you buy Pampers diapers and wipes
3 Target coupons for a $5 gift card when you buy Pampers diapers and wipes
3 1.50/1 Pampers diapers
3 .50/1 Pampers wipes
1 Target coupon for 1.50/1 Pampers Swimmies
1 2/1 Pampers Swimmies
Used $20 gift card I recieved FREE for setting up a baby registry!
Total oop: 11.00
Gift cards recieved: $15.00
I was affraid they wouldn't let me get away with using all of these coupons... so I got prepared. I called Target corporate and asked about thier coupon policy. They then e-mailed me a copy of the policy to have handy in case they gave me any trouble. She also said to call corporate while I was there to get it resolved. I was ready! When I was ready to checkout I chose a male cashier (the middle -aged women ALWAYS give me trouble with coupons), he scanned every coupon without question. Then I asked about the $5 gift card ones because I didn't think you could use 2 Target coupons for one item... but he said he would give it a go... and they went through! Woo Hoo!
The little lady is not sufficiently stocked for a couple weeks and I have started my stockpile of wipes for the new wee one!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
CVS this week
This is what I brought home from CVS for $11.00 out of pocket! Also, I left with more ECBs than I went in with... can't argue with that!!
6 Nivea shaving gels6 boxes Honey Nut Cheerios
2 boxes Fiber One bars
Huggies Wash
2 boxes Q-tips
Listerene Smart Rinse
and lots of candy!
I don't have the energy to give you the whole run down... sorry! I thought it was so funny when I walked in and everyone knew me! The manager cracks me up, he saw me and said "It's my favorite shopper! Always getting the good ECB deals!" Then when it was time for me to check out, he opened up a register just for me because he wanted to see for himself what I would get! Too funny... it sure helps when the staff is nice and excited about the deals.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Loving CVS
Here's how my transactions broke down:
I had to revamp my scenarios when I got there because they didn't have any Huggies lotion or wash.
Transaction #1:
2 pkg. Pampers @ 7.99
1 Listerine Smart Rinse @ 3.49
3/15 CVS coupon
2 1.50/1 Pampers coupons
1/1 Listerene coupon
4.69 in ECBs
Total oop: 8.87
ECBs earned: 3.49
Transaction #2
1 pkg. Pampers @ 7.99
2 pkg. Chex Mix @ 1.00
2 pkg. Chex Mix @ 1.00
1 Listerene Smart Rinse @ 3.49
3/15 CVS coupon
1.50/1 Pampers coupon
2 1/1 Chex Mix coupons
1/1 Listerene coupon
Used 11.18 in ECBs
Total oop: .99 cents
ECBs earned: 5 and 3.49 = 8.49
Transaction #3
1 Chex Mix @ 1.00
1 Gatorage @ 4.50
1 CVS Bandages @ 1.99
1 Oral-B Cross Action 2pk @ 6.99
1 Brut Deoderant @ 2.89
3/15 CVS coupon
1/1 Chex Mix coupon
*could have used Brut coupon from recent insert, but I did not have one.
14.49 in ECBs
Total oop: 1.97
ECBs earned: 1.99, 6.99, 3 = 11.98
Transaction #4
1 Gatorade @ 4.50
1 Apple Jacks @ 1.88
1 Brut Deoderant @ 2.89
8.98 in ECBs
Total oop: .29 cents
ECBs earned: 2, 3 = 5
I signed up for Disney's Wonderful World of Reading and got a little scratch card in the mail to get some books FREE... anywhere from 3-7 books. I scratched away and wouldn't you know, I got SEVEN books free!
The only snag is I have to send one of the back, Cars (which is not pictured). Not too bad, huh? The little miss sure is enjoying her new books.
The Dove lotion to the left is a freebie I recieved this week.
The Seattle's Best Coffee was one from a little while ago.
I just thought I'd share how signing up for freebies was working out for me!
Does this happen to you?
I had to sacrifice frugality for what is practical at our house right now. i.e. - things I can keep down and/or things Hubby can fix quickly! Hence the frozen chicken, pot pies, toaster strudels, and waffles! I usually just shop the sales and stock accordingly, but that's just not working right now... we end up eating out ALL the time which is obviously NOT frugal!
I did shop some sales though...
I bought 4 Post-it-note flags at .97 each
I used 2 $3/2 coupon found here: forums.slickdeals.net/showpost.php?p=11471716&postcount=65
So I got paid $2.12 for buying four!
I think you can print as many of these as you want!
YoPlait YoPlus yogurt was $2.50
Used $1/1 coupon
I was totally ready for the deals below, but they didn't have them in stock or the prices were higher, making the great deal not so great... (The below deals are thanks the The Centsible Sawyer... she has a GREAT post on the current WalMart deals, I don't know how to get you there directly, so click her button to the side and scroll on down!)
Ken's Salad Dressing (small bottles) are $1.14.Use the $1/1 coupons from the 05/11 newspaper insert. Final price is $0.14
However, there were no small bottles!
Cheerio Mix is $1.50 Printable $1/1 coupon HERE Final Price $0.50
My WalMart had it for $2.50 :(
Ronzoni Smart Taste Pasta regular price is $1.50 $1 off Ronzoni Smart Taste Pasta 2/17 SS exp. 5/31Final Price: $0.50 cents each
Not in stock
Fuze Drinks are $1.00Get a Printable coupon HERE for $0.50/1 Final Price: $0.50
Not in stock AGAIN!
Cascadian Farms Organic Purely Steam packages are $1.22. Use this PRINTABLE coupon for $1/1 HERE and HEREFinal Price: $0.22
Guess what... not in stock! I am really sad about this one and will be checking the other two WalMarts in town, this is just too good! Especially with the way our little miss eats steamed broccoli!
I had lots of coupons for other things I bought, but no spectacular deals to note.
Any tips on trying to stay frugal while battling morning sickness? Hubby is a great helper, but I can't even stand the smell of food in the kitchen sometimes so it wouldn't matter if he did the cooking...
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Trans. #1
Tums @ 4.69
Huggies @ 10.99
$1/1 Huggies Coupon
$2.25/1 Tums Coupon
$3/15 CVS Coupon
$7.99 ECBs
oop: $1.83 on gift card
ECBs earned: $4.69
Trans #2
Tums @ 4.69
$2.25/1 Tums
$2 ECBs
oop: .44 cents on gift card
ECBs earned: $4.69
I wanted to do the Life Water deal buy 2 @ $1 each, get 1 ECB and use a BOGO coupon... but they weren't in stock!
Also, I know Pampers are going to be on a great sale this upcoming week... but I HAD to get diapers because the little miss was soaking through those CVS ones :(
If you would like to see more CVS savings... check out CVS Superstars at the Centsible Sawyer! Click the button to the right.
Morning sickness still has me down, so this is the best I could do! All this for $26.00...
Nothing spectacular, just what we needed to make it through this week! We have been eating out WAY too much because I can't bear to cook, or even eat sometimes.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
The Johnson's softlotion was .97 cents, I had a $1/1 coupon making this free!
Chicken was BOGO at Fry's.
Other than that I was just lucky to have made it to the store and back! My hubby even set this picture up for me... I was just too sick!
I skipped out on CVS due to the illness. There weren't any great deals that I just had to have. Maybe I will be able to try it this week! I am finally on some meds for the nausea!
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