$41.00 got us these groceries at WalMart.
I had to sacrifice frugality for what is practical at our house right now. i.e. - things I can keep down and/or things Hubby can fix quickly! Hence the frozen chicken, pot pies, toaster strudels, and waffles! I usually just shop the sales and stock accordingly, but that's just not working right now... we end up eating out ALL the time which is obviously NOT frugal!
I did shop some sales though...
I bought 4 Post-it-note flags at .97 each
So I got paid $2.12 for buying four!
I think you can print as many of these as you want!
YoPlait YoPlus yogurt was $2.50
Used $1/1 coupon
I was totally ready for the deals below, but they didn't have them in stock or the prices were higher, making the great deal not so great... (The below deals are thanks the The Centsible Sawyer... she has a GREAT post on the current WalMart deals, I don't know how to get you there directly, so click her button to the side and scroll on down!)
Ken's Salad Dressing (small bottles) are $1.14.Use the $1/1 coupons from the 05/11 newspaper insert. Final price is $0.14
However, there were no small bottles!
Cheerio Mix is $1.50 Printable $1/1 coupon
HERE Final Price $0.50
My WalMart had it for $2.50 :(
Ronzoni Smart Taste Pasta regular price is $1.50 $1 off Ronzoni Smart Taste Pasta 2/17 SS exp. 5/31Final Price: $0.50 cents each
Not in stock
Fuze Drinks are $1.00Get a Printable coupon
HERE for $0.50/1 Final Price: $0.50
Not in stock AGAIN!
Cascadian Farms Organic Purely Steam packages are $1.22. Use this PRINTABLE coupon for $1/1
HERE and
HEREFinal Price: $0.22
Guess what... not in stock! I am really sad about this one and will be checking the other two WalMarts in town, this is just too good! Especially with the way our little miss eats steamed broccoli!
I had lots of coupons for other things I bought, but no spectacular deals to note.
Any tips on trying to stay frugal while battling morning sickness? Hubby is a great helper, but I can't even stand the smell of food in the kitchen sometimes so it wouldn't matter if he did the cooking...