Grand total = $2.67 for 185.00 worth of goods!
Before I made my CVS trip I organized, and prayed that God would help me be a good steward...He has answered those prayers!
I have finally mastered this CVS thing and wow is it exciting! I will not go into the detail of all the transactions, but I went in with about 20 ECBs. I matched coupons with CVS coupons and ECBs. I was able to leave with 23.99 ECBs! Plus a $5.50 rebate for purchasing Pepcid.
The only drawback: They didn't have the Lumene lotion or Spa Bodywash and I had to do a bit of revamping on my deals! Also, the toe dividers didn't have the right UPC and wouldn't generate ECBs.
For $2.67, some coupon clipping, leftover ECBs, and a little effort I purchased...
3 pkgs huggies - 8.99 each
6 Sunsilk styling aids - 3.49 each
1 box Pepcid complete - 7.99
3 CVS rapid release pain relievers - 3.99 each
2 boxes 24 ct. Excedrin Extra Strength - 1.99 each
2 Covergirl TruBlend Foundations - 9.49 each
6 Essence of Beauty Facial buffers - 1.49 each
6 gift bags with tissue paper - 1.49 each
1 color ink refill from Walgreens with free coupon - 15.00 value
What will I do with all of this? Glad you asked! Our little lady will go through these 3 pkgs of Huggies in about 1 1/2 weeks (by the way, I bought a little pink potty for her this morning, this kid goes through waaay too many diapers!)
I have 2 teenage sisters who love new hair products! (who doesn't!?)
Big family = lots of birthdays! These gift bags will come in handy!
Ink for printing church bulletins
Giving away the pain reliever we don't need
Looking forward to next week!
You did great! I also like to share the blessing. I look at it as my little "tithe" by sharing with family and friends.
Don't ya just love those free gift bags...I can think of dozens of uses! YAY!
Great job and thanks for posting over at my blog for CVS Superstars! YOU are a Superstar!
PS: Thanks for posting my button too!
The "Cent"sible Sawyer
Great job. I am new to all of this CVS, so far I am still lost. But, I hope to keep reading how you all do it and one day God will bless me with the wisdom I need to make use of this wonderful opportunity.
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